Cast net throwing at Sungai Hitam (Black River) Bengkulu -Indonesia |
Maybe this is the fastest method in catching the fish. A cast net (Indonesian Language called jala) is very common for Indonesian fishermen or fishing hobbyist as a mean to catch fishes from the shallow and free of obstruction water. A basic cast net is a circular net with weighted edges. The net is attached to a line so that it can be retrieved, and another line is attached to a drawstring which can be used to pull the net closed, trapping fish inside. It is operated by throwing it in such manner that it could spread out on the water, sink and trap the catch. Anything could be catched by cast net as long as the size of the catch is bigger than its mesh
Sungai Hitam river Bengkulu |
Sungai Hitam river Bengkulu seem to be match with the requirement of using the cast net to collect fishes or shrimp. It is located 2 km from capital city of Bengkulu. It is shallow, clean and the important thing is, some fishes live there.
The nelayan throws his cast net. He throws to the place that
seem to have a fish movement inside that place |
Using cast net can be a hard work to do,
because not every throw will result the catch |
Seem that this time, the throw is succesful in catching the fish |
The nelayan smiles while collecting the catches. "It's gonna be my family's dinner tonigth" |
Unlucky for the wrestling half-beak fish (ID: julung-julung). "seem my life would not ended up in an aquarium" |
Copyright of Nurul Iman Supardi
email : nurulimanunib@gmail.com
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